Monday, July 7, 2008

Oh boy!

A friend of mine called me today frustrated with her information retrieval troubles. She was upset that while trying to access specific journals and the articles within, a series of mouse clicks were necessary. She asked, "isn't there a faster way?"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Some thoughts on Dervin's Ten Myths

Reading over the Top Ten Myths listed in my last post, I couldn't help but have a couple of "aha" moments.

#2 (More information is always better) is a great one. Especially for me! I have this awful tendency to over research. I once had this 4 paged paper to write but my draft of collected quotations and paraphrases from the research I had compiled was 10 pages long. Ouf!

#4 (Information can only be acquired through formal sources) is quite pertinent in this day and age when we have access to so much informal information. It's always existed, but now it exists at our finger tips and in abundance. The use of our sources such as Wikipedia used to aggravate me; however, now I realize that it can be used as a great first step when feeling a bit clueless. Of course, I would never use the source as the cited source, but as a stepping stone to more credible info, yea, sure. I use Google in the same manner, as do many, I'm sure.

Let's see . . . lastly #8 (Functional units of information, such as books . . . always fit the needs of individuals). Last weekend, while at the reference desk, a patron wanted a sort of rubric that would help her define certain aspects of articles for a literature review that she was doing. The librarian and I found a few sources, but then, we sat around compiling some important fields of our own with the patron. The librarian laughed and said, "I bet you didn't think your answer would be in the form of a brainstorming session with the reference desk, did you?"

That's all for now.

Friday, June 27, 2008

10 Myths about Information and Information Seeking

In Donald O. Case's (2007) Looking for Information, he introduces readers to Professor Brenda Dervin from Ohio State University and her list of the 10 "dubious assumptions" related to information and information seeking. Although this "top ten" does indeed deal with information seeking, it still remains pertinent to information retrieval, and so I include here, for our reading pleasure:

1. Only 'objective' information is valuable.
"For most tasks and decisions in life, people tends to settle for the first satisfactory solution to a problem, rather than the best solution" (p. 8).

2. More information is always better.
"Typically there is not a problem getting enough information but rather with interpreting and understanding what information there is" (p. 8).

3. Objective information can be transmitted out of context.
"But people tend to ignore isolated facts when they cannot form a complete picture of them" (p.8).

4. Information can only be acquired through formal sources.
"This assumption, often made by those in educational institutions, flies in the face of actual behavior" (p.8). (Ouch!)

5. There is relevant information for every need.
"The truth is that mere information cannot satisfy many human needs" (p.8).

6 Every need situation has a solution.
"But sometimes the client is looking for something -- a reassurance, and understanding -- that does not come in the shape of a canned response" (p.8-9).

7. It is always possible to make information available or accessible.
"Formal information systems are limited in what they can accomplish, at least where the vague, ambiguous, and constantly changing needs of the public are concerned" (p. 9).

8. Functional units of information, such as books or TV programs, always fit the needs of the individual.
"But the 'functional units' of the individual are not often these things; rather, they are responses, solutions, instructions, ideas, friendships, and so forth" (p. 9).

9. Time and space -- individual situations -- can be ignored in addressing information seeking and use.
"Yet it is often the individual's definition of the situation that shapes his or her needs as much as the 'real' situation itself" (p. 9).

10. People make easy, conflict-free connections between external information and their internal reality.
"We lack understanding about how people inform themselves, how they make connections over time, the sense they make of their world between significant events" (p. 9).

Case, O.D. (2007). Introduction. In Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs, and Behavior (pp. 1-13). London: Academic Press.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Talk about creativity!

As pointed out by Alex Wright (2007) in his chapter titled "The Web that Wasn't" found in GLUT, in the wake of World War II their came an advance in the ideas involving information retrieval systems. In 1945, for example, Vannevar Bush published his essay "As We May Think" in The Atlantic Monthly. Therein, Bush imagined a a fictional machine named the Memex. It would be like a workstation providing access to documents stored on microfilm, allowing users to forge associative information trails.

Lo and behold! The Memex, as depicted by Alfred D. Cimi in Life, September 10, 1945.
According to Wright (2007), the caption to this image read:
"MEMEX in the form of a desk would instantly bring files and material on any subject to the operator's fingertips. Slanting translucent viewing screen magnify supermicrofilm filed by code numbers. At left is a mechanism which automatically photographs longhand notes, pictures and letters, then files them in the desk for future reference" (p. 193).

Wright, A. (2007). The web that wasn't. In GLUT: Mastering Information through the Ages (pp. 183-229). Washington, DC: Joseph Henry Press.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Information Retrieval Systems 2

Information retrieval systems and their . . .

Designed to retrieve information (or documents) needed by the user.


  1. To identify the information sources relevant to the areas of interest of the target user
  2. To analyze the contents of the sources
  3. To represent the contents of the analyzed sources in a way that will be suitable for matching users’ queries
  4. To analyze the users’ queries and to represent them in a form that will be suitable for matching with the database
  5. To match the search statement with the stored database
  6. To retrieve the information that is relevant
  7. To make necessary adjustments in the system based on feedback from the users


  1. The document subsystem
  2. The indexing subsystem
  3. The vocabulary subsystem
  4. The searching subsystem
  5. The user-system interface
  6. The matching subsystem (Chowdhury, 2004, pp. 2-3).
Chowdhury, G.G. (2004). Basic concepts of information retrieval systems. In Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval (2nd ed., pp. 1-12). London: Facet Publishing.